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Image Retrieval

4 minute read

This post is a summary and paper skimming on image retrieval related research. So, this post will be keep updating by the time.

Rotation Invariance & Equivariance

13 minute read

This post is a summary and paper skimming on rotation invariance and equivariance related research. So, this post will be keep updating by the time.

Detection & Segmentation

3 minute read

This post is a summary and paper skimming on detection and segmentation related research. So, this post will be keep updating by the time.

Inception-v4 and Inception-ResNet

1 minute read

“Inception-v4, Inception-ResNet and the Impact of Residual Connections on Learning” is an advanced version of famous vision model ‘inception’ from Google. It...

Network In Network

4 minute read

“Network In Network” is one of the most important study related convoutional neural network because of the concept of 1 by 1 convolution and global average p...